CDT 2008

Theme: History of Rock

Set Up: 70,235 Domineos

Topppled: 70,068 Dominoes

Number of Team Members: 9

Building Time: 3 Days

Toppling Time: 6:47 min

Date: 24th May 2008


At the first CDT, which was in the year 2008, everything was about 'Rock' and the history of this musical genre. In a bit more than seven minutes 70,068 out of 70,235 dominoes toppled in the sports hall of the Liebfrauenschule Köln. Only 167 dominoes didn't topple what means that CDT 2008 had the best toppling rates of all CDTs.

Nevertheless all members of the Team were still really young in 2008 what means that the filming style the structure of the project and many more things aren't that well done. But as CDT 2008 was our first event we are all still very proud of it.